Funny Ways to Say Im Thinking of You Husband

120+ Creative Ways to Say "I Love You" & Wow With Romance

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There are many different ways to say "I love you" and because those three little words mean so much, how and when you say them can be one of the most important moments in your life.

Whether you plan it for weeks or choose a spontaneous moment to share how you feel, pick a meaningful and creative way to say it.

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To help you be a romantic hero this Valentine's Day, we've put together 120 different ways to say "I love you" without necessarily saying anything at all. Choose your favorite saying, fun activity to try, or use our ideas as jumping-off points to create your own personalized way to express your love in words.

How to Say "I Love You"

Think about your special person and what they would think is the best way to say "I love you". Are they a hopeless romantic, introverted and artistic or do they just like to laugh? Once you figure out their preferences, saying "I love you" won't be as hard.

women holding hands

Romantic Ways to Say "I Love You"

Decide what the most romantic saying is with these 25 romantic ways to say "I love you."

  1. I love you to the moon and back again

  2. We fit together like puzzle pieces

  3. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me

  4. You complete me

  5. I can't believe you're mine

  6. You are a beautiful person inside and out

  7. I am here for you…always

  8. I'm yours

  9. I'm the luckiest person in the world

  10. We are meant to be

  11. I'd do anything to make you smile

  12. You are my soulmate

  13. My heart calls out for you

  14. I like the way you make me feel, even when you are not around

Romantic Activities to Say "I Love You"

  1. Set up a spa day at home

  2. Send flowers or a treat to their work

  3. Go on a hot air balloon ride

  4. Go stargazing

  5. Go for a ride in a horse-drawn carriage

  6. Cuddle up by the fireplace

  7. Write them a love letter

  8. Give them a personalized gift

  9. Read them a romantic poem

  10. Make a candlelit dinner

  11. Listen to their favorite song

When in doubt choose from a selection of our Love & Romance bouquets to make an impression.

man and woman embracing

Funny Ways to Say "I Love You"

One of the best ways to show someone you care is to make them laugh. Whether it be with a joke or an activity, these ideas will put smiles on you and your love's faces.

  1. What did the volcano say to the mountain? I lava you!

  2. You are the crayons to my coloring book

  3. I've fallen for you and I can't get up

  4. I'm crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!

  5. I'd like you to guest star on my Love Boat

  6. You are just like bacon, you make everything better!

  7. We go together like biscuits and gravy

  8. I plan on bugging you for a long, long time

  9. You are my favorite distraction

  10. Let's grow old and wrinkly together

  11. Love is being silly together

  12. Life would be boring without you

  13. You've stolen a pizza my heart

Funny Activities to say "I Love You"

  1. Attend a comedy show together

  2. Shout them out on the radio

  3. Perform a funny dance in front of them

  4. Play Truth or Dare

  5. Make a fool of yourself

  6. Buy them a fish and name it together

  7. Share an inside joke

  8. Send them a joke for every day of the month

  9. Make a silly face at them

  10. Play a game of rock paper scissors with them

  11. Make them laugh

  12. Tickle them

man woman and puppy

Cute Ways to Say "I Love You"

You don't have to move mountains to share how you feel. Try these simple but thoughtful ways to tell someone what they mean to you.

  1. I'm crazy about you

  2. You're my dream come true

  3. You take my breath away

  4. Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to

  5. There is no one I'd rather steal blankets from

  6. You're my partner in crime

  7. You look great today and every day

  8. I'm jealous of people who get to see you every day

  9. I just called to hear your voice

  10. Sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got so lucky

  11. Your voice is my favorite sound

  12. Whatever we do today, I'm glad to do it with you

  13. I've always got your back

  14. You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside

Cute Activities to Say "I Love You"

  1. Make the kids' lunches

  2. Give the dog a bath

  3. Serve them breakfast in bed

  4. Hold their hand

  5. Gift a framed photo of the two of you

  6. Surprise them

  7. Throw them a surprise party

  8. Film a video of yourself telling them how much they mean to you

  9. Fill a jar of 100 reasons why you love them

  10. Help them move

  11. Give them an affirmation card

man and women dancing

Different Ways to Say "I Love You"

Saying "I love you" doesn't have to be only through words. There are many different ways to say "I love you." Learn their love language and use the following ideas to pick one perfect for your soul mate.

Ways to Say "I Love You" Using Acts of Service

  1. Do a chore for them

  2. Clean their house or a shared space

  3. Make them a cup of coffee

  4. Run an errand for them

  5. Get their car washed

Ways to Say "I Love You" Using Physical Touch

  1. Wrap your arms around them

  2. Invent a secret handshake

  3. Write "I love you" on their hand with your fingers

  4. Hug them for 30 seconds

  5. Spend the night in and cuddle

Ways to Say "I Love You" Using Gifts

  1. Buy their friends a round of drinks

  2.  Spoil them with an expensive gift

  3. Create a collage of special photos

  4. Frame a memento from a special occasion

  5. Buy them something for their pet

Ways to Say "I Love You" Using Quality Time

  1.  Go for a long walk

  2. Take an art or dancing class together

  3. Try a new restaurant or bar

  4. Share your goals and desires with them

  5. Go to a workout class they love

man playing guitar for woman

Other Creative Ways to Say "I Love You"

Haven't found the perfect way to seal the deal? Try these creative ways to say "I love you" that go above and beyond!

  1. Leave hide-and-seek love letters.

  2. Write little love notes to your mate and leave them in unexpected places where they will eventually be found, such as in a sock drawer, a packed lunch or even in the freezer. That way, they will regularly be surprised by your thoughtfulness.

  3. Unleash your inner DJ.

  4. Creating a romantic "mixtape" of meaningful love songs used to be a popular romantic gesture. Nowadays, you can do the same by creating iTunes or Spotify playlists to express your love through music.

  5. Create a "52 Things I Love About You" booklet.

  6. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways… If you can come up with at least 52 reasons, and one deck of standard playing cards, you can create a "52 Things I Love About You" booklet. Just write (or paste) a different reason you love your significant other on each card, and then use a hole punch and binder rings to turn the card deck into a booklet. Since there are 52 weeks in a year, it can serve as an ongoing reminder of the reasons you fell in love.

  7. Say it in different languages.

  8. Saying "I love you" is perhaps a little bit too easy. Being able to say it in French (Je t'aime), Finnish (Minä rakastan sinua) or Farsi (Duset daram) shows that you are a real romantic. If you're not sure about pronunciation, you can always write it out and fill your Valentine's Day card with declarations of love from around the world. Language site Omniglot has "I love you" spelled out in over 200 languages, from Afrikaans to Zulu. And if every spoken language on earth is not enough to proclaim your love, Geekosystem has it in Klingon, Na'vi and even binary code.

  9. Valentine's fortune cookies.

  10. You can create some real magic this Valentine's Day by putting a personalized message of love inside a closed and sealed fortune cookie—without breaking the cookie or the seal. How, Houdini? By using a little steam to open the cookie and a little ironing to reseal the plastic packaging.

  11. A message in a bottle.

  12. "Before I met you, I was lost and alone, drifting aimlessly through life…" If you want to show how grateful you are for finally finding your one and only, write down your thoughts in a love note and deliver it as a classic message in a bottle. Check your local craft store for an appropriate cork-stopped bottle. Make sure the opening is wide enough for the message to slip through, and tie the scroll with ribbon or string to prevent it from unrolling inside the bottle.

  13. Say it with a Kiss.

  14. Hershey's Kisses have been a candy staple since 1907 (although the name wasn't trademarked until 2001). Though sweet in their own right, you can turn the chocolate candies into little love notes by customizing the paper ribbons that extend from the top of the foil wrappers. Simply print your own messages onto small strips of paper and use them to replace the "Kisses®" tags. Toss them in a personalized treat jar and you've got the perfect gift for a chocolate lover. Or, if you have difficulty unwrapping and re-wrapping the thin aluminum foil, you can just glue your message onto the existing tag.

woman drinking champagne
  1. Say it in a steamy way.

  2. If your bathroom mirror becomes fogged up when you take a shower, write "I love you" or some other personal message on the mirror with your finger. The message will be invisible once the steam has cleared, but will magically reappear when your partner takes a shower.

  3. Write it in the stars.

  4. Another way to hide a magical message in plain sight is to write it on the bedroom ceiling using glow-in-the-dark stickers. Such stickers often come in the shape of stars, which you can arrange as a love-ly constellation. However, you can also buy blank sheets of sticker paper and cut them into whatever shapes or letters you want. White stickers on the ceiling are unlikely to be noticed during daylight hours but will be immediately visible once you are in bed and the lights go out.

  5. Give them a "heart attack."

  6. That is, attack them with paper hearts. Cover their door with paper hearts or send them a box full of them. The more over-the-top you make it, the more they will know they are loved.

  7. Worship the ground they walk on.

  8. Use sidewalk chalk to leave a message for your love outside the front door, or on any path, you know they will be walking on at some point during the day. Perhaps "I love you so much that I worship the ground you walk on," or draw a hopscotch court and list something you love about them in each square.

  9. Write it on their ride.

  10. Replace the sidewalk chalk with glass chalk, and you can leave a Valentine message on the windows of your sweetheart's car. If you think you are too mature or have been together for too long for such a stunt, that's exactly the point: it will show that you still feel the same way about them and are still excited about your love. For example, you could write that you are "Just married…for 10 years…and love you more each day!"

  11. TP them.

  12. To reach someone when they least expect it, write a love note on a roll of toilet paper. Unroll a few squares, write your message (very gently, using a felt-tip marker), and then roll it back up. Just make sure it's a private bathroom so that no one else will inadvertently get the wrong message.

  13. "I love you because…" chalkboard.

  14. For an ongoing opportunity to show your love, consider buying or making a small chalkboard with the words "I love you because…" written across the top. You can then fill in the blank with a reason why you do love the person, and change the message each day (or week, or however often you can come up with different reasons). If you don't want to make a chalkboard yourself, you can always buy one online.

  15. Conversation heart cheesecakes.

  16. Everyone is familiar with the small heart-shaped candies stamped with short phrases such as "Be Mine" or "Crazy 4U." You can create your own messages, and have much more space on which to write them, by using cheesecakes instead of candies.

  17. Love puzzles.

  18. Looking for love? Try 17 across. With a free online puzzle maker, you can create a crossword or word search puzzle featuring things important to your relationship, such as the location of your first date or the name of your song. Some word puzzles include hidden or encrypted messages, which allows you to tell someone how you feel—as long as they can crack the code.

  19. Tell the world on social media.

  20. For a less subtle approach, consider making a public proclamation of your love on a social network. Posting on social media is essentially the modern version of shouting it from the mountaintops, and public affirmation carries a lot more weight than something said in private. And perhaps February 14 is the day you make it "Facebook official" and change your relationship status.

  21. Blog about it.

  22. If you like the idea of posting your love online, but have more to say than a tweet or status update allows, consider blogging about it. Post an online love letter, or write out a list of the things you appreciate about him or her. If you don't have a blog, you can rather easily create one for free through a simple platform such as Blogger or Tumblr.

girl smiling holding roses
  1. Say it with roses.

  2. Red roses are the international symbol of love, so you can hardly go wrong giving roses for Valentine's Day. However, you can also get creative with it by spelling out "I Love You" with rose petals, or arranging long-stemmed roses on the bed to form a giant heart. By presenting such a classic in a new way, you can make an even bigger impact.

  3. Give an award.

  4. If you think that your husband really is the best father in the world, or feel that you lucked out and married a true "trophy wife," perhaps you should recognize them for it with an actual trophy. If you want something more official-looking, most cities have awards shops that can engrave anything you want onto a real trophy, plaque or medal. You can also print out a custom award certificate for just the cost of paper and ink.

  5. At the bottom of a cereal box.

  6. Ever get one of those little prizes inside a box of cereal as a kid? You can recreate that surprise by placing a love note or a small gift, sealed in a plastic bag, inside an open box of your partner's favorite cereal.

  7. Coffee art.

  8. You can also say "I love you" by fixing your sweetheart a cup of coffee—and writing "I love you" on the coffee itself.

  9. In song.

  10. If you have the talent, nothing is more romantic than writing and performing an original, personal love song. If you don't have that kind of talent, you can still woo her with a karaoke version of a classic love song. If you completely lack any kind of musical talent and can't even carry a tune in a bucket, perhaps you should stick to reciting poetry.

  11. In a book.

  12. Put together a "Book of Love" about your relationship. This is similar to a Baby Book, but instead of listing first words or first steps, it will describe important steps and landmarks in your relationship. Include details of how you first met, the date of your first kiss, and photos or keepsakes from memorable events in your love story. Showing that you remember such details and want to document and save them will prove that your love is the most important thing in your life.

  13. Bacon hearts.

  14. Because nothing says "love" like bacon. In the shape of a heart. What creative ways are you going to say "I love you" this Valentine's Day?

men embracing in love

What are the signs of true love?

First time being in love or aren't sure if how you feel is true love? Here are some tips to know if your relationship is showing signs of true love.

  • Happiness – Seeing your special person smile or laugh fills you with happiness. Even if you are having a bad day, their love always lifts your mood and makes you feel better.

  • Companionship and reciprocity – You miss them when they are gone and give to the relationship unconditionally.

  • Effort – You go out of your way to make efforts for them and improve the relationship.

  • Sacrifice – You share their burdens and are always willing to help them with difficulties they are facing.

  • Selflessness – You think of them over yourself in all aspects of life.

  • Attraction – Whatever you do you can't keep your eyes off of them.

woman looking at phone and smiling

How do I say "I love you" without saying it in a text?

If you aren't quite ready to say "I love you," use these ideas to make sure your special someone still knows you care about them.

  1. "Smiling so much today just thinking of you"

  2. "Just wanted to thank you for being you :)"

  3. "I hope you know how much you mean to me"

  4. "I'm so glad you're in my life!"

  5. "You are so amazing!"

  6. "You mean so much to me"

  7. Send a sweet GIF

  8. Send a romantic song

  9. Send a sweet emoji

  10. Send a sweet picture of you together

Now that we've gone through 120+ different ways to say "I love you", are you ready to pick? However way you say it, make sure it comes across in a way that resonates with your partner. To really wow your loved one, bring along a fresh floral bouquet that says "I love you" even when you are not around. Happy planning!

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