How to Decribe Element Color in Analysis of an Art?

Elements of art

Elements Of Art Graphic
Works of art tin exist analysed in a variety of means. I form of analysis relies on looking at the visual elements of a film. Often however, people only cannot see them. You have to meet these elements for what they are, the building blocks of a picture. And, they have sure anticipated attributes…

The Elements of Art are usually listed as…
  • Line :: A mark which is longer than it is broad. Lines take the properties of length, width (or thickness) and vector (or management).
  • Shape :: A flat (two dimensional) enclosed loop with either geometric properties (angles and curves) or natural and/or organic – with no regular geometric properties.
  • Class :: A three dimensional shape with the properties of length, width and depth. A course may be geometric with lines, curves and/or angles. Alternatively, form may be of natural or organic shape, but without regular geometric properties.
  • Space :: The absence of objects or things around a subject in your paradigm. Yet, space does have shape or course of it'south ain. Information technology is divers past the objects that information technology surrounds or which comprise it.
  • Value (Tone) :: In a monochrome photograph nosotros see shades of grayness. Even so, those tones tin vary from pure black to pure white. This tonal range in fine art is known equally value. Information technology is the lightness or darkness in your epitome.
  • Colour :: A visible wavelength of light with a Hue (colour range) you experience as shades of a colour; Saturation (colour intensity) and Value (relative lightness or darkness of a color) of the light.
  • Texture :: The surface quality of something. It can exist seen and sometimes felt in a work of art.
The 'Elements of Art' in the context of Blueprint

Designers consider the following elements in a slightly different style to artists. So, for the purposes of clarity these are explained farther beneath.

  • Point :: Also known as a 'marking'. They vary in size and shape, regularity or irregularity. On the other hand, artists consider a marking or point equally one of the Elements of Art – a line. It just happens to have the attributes of equal length and width.
    A designer may think of the employ of point as part of a wider context, or distribution, of the same mark. Marks tin exist used to form a pattern (when grouped) or to imply lightness or darkness in an prototype (e.g. shading or color brightness).
  • Value :: To an artist, low-cal has relative brightness or dullness – referred to as 'Value' in the element of art known every bit "Colour". We view objects by seeing the reflected low-cal from them. Yet, a designer has to limited 'Value' through other means than bodily light. So, they employ pattern, density and colour to express 'Value' in an image they create. Nevertheless, it is a facsimile of the brightness or dullness of the light (like shading for example) not the bodily intensity of the low-cal.
Note: on the distinction between the 'Elements of Art' and of 'Design'

The distinction betwixt art and pattern is a real one in the literature. The difference is only mentioned here because 'Point' and 'Value' might be used by a designer slightly differently to an artist. For the photographer the distinction is not that disquisitional. And so, for the purposes of photos, it is probably all-time to consider 'Value' in the context of the Elements of Art (and not worry virtually design).


In photography the Elements of Art tin have a pregnant touch on. Most of that impact is through the medium of composition. So, agreement the different components, or elements, helps us to grasp what it is in an image that nosotros run across finer. Of all the elements of art, the medium of low-cal is used to express them in photography. Everything that is visible to our eyes is seen by us as light reflected off the objects we see. In very simple terms, the elements of art are the manifestations of what we see in that reflected lite. But we interpret them in the wider context of the complete scene. In many means we accept become blind to the elements of art. Not so the creative person (and aware photographer). Y'all can train yourself to see these elements throughout a scene. Become sensitive to them, practice command over them in the way you frame your shot, or etch your picture.

The value of lite

Of course the photographer is really composing images with light. Everything we do is seen in the camera by light, either direct from a light source or as calorie-free reflected from a surface. As a upshot the 'Value' of light is very important to us. However, we tend to refer to the value of calorie-free in terms of 'Stops'. A stop is a relative term – we take the calorie-free level downwards and refer to this as stopping downwards.

So, unlike an artist we don't normally refer to the level of brightness or dullness in terms of the value of lite. Instead, nosotros empathise that information technology has a value, which we can measure. In physics we refer to the intensity of light – measured in lux. In photography nosotros measure light in terms of exposure or the number of stops.

The principles of fine art and design

The Elements of Art tell us what goes into making upward a flick. They are the building blocks, or structure, of the image we see. Notwithstanding, the 'Principles of Art' are about how you lot use and combine the elements in your paradigm. You could recall of the 'principles' as what y'all do to the 'elements'.

(Note that different authors have a diverseness of ways to name and depict these principles. However, the core ideas are essentially the aforementioned).

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Damon is a writer-lensman and editor of this site. He has likewise run a major website, a computing department and a digital image library. He started out as a trained instructor and at present runs training for digital photographers.
Meet also: Editors 'Bio'.
By Damon Guy see his profile on Google+.


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